Expand your Business Network with Pakka Business

  • 5000+ Verified Businesses and growing!
Pakka Business ecosystem


Discover leads, vendors, entrepreneurs, investors, bankers and expand your network.


Connect to the most relevant poeple from different industries, categories, and interests.

Interact &

Interact with purpose
and address business challenges through information and RFx.


Increase your top-line and bottom-line by reducing sales turnaround time, & cost.

Network with 5000+ Businesses

How it works?

Create a stunning, impressive profile

Make a powerful impression with an impressive profile before we connect you to business leaders and professionals.

Discover and connect with business leaders

Discover and connect with industry leaders and decision-makers. Expand your professional network and gain valuable insights.

Interact with purpose

Address common business challenges including procurement, marketing, sales, recruitment, fundraising, and networking.

lead time

Gaurav Gaur

DGM, SCM, Genii

star rating

Increased the vendor base from 67 to 221 and reduced the procurement cost upto 8%.

lead time

Pavan Kumar

Head, BD, HBL

star rating

Received some premium leads through the Live Enquiries feature. Converted to retaining customers.

lead time

Suresh Tarasia

VP, Sales, Surya Roshni

star rating

The best way of increasing the revenue is by expanding the network. Our network is our networth.

Connect with decision makers
and grow your business

A networking platform designed for businesses to connect, interact, and expand, with the goal of addressing common business challenges including procurement, marketing and sales, logistics, fundraising, networking, and recruitment.